Citizens interested in Huber Heights City Council

Succeeding in Huber Heights

I prepared these notes before speaking during the Council Meeting



Speaking about two agenda items 11


G. A Resolution Authorizing The City Manager To Negotiate And Enter Into An Agreement For The Purchase Of Land, And Declaring An Emergency.

(first reading)


H. An Ordinance Approving, And Authorizing The City Manager To Enter Into, A Development Agreement With Montgomery County Transportation Improvement District (TID) With Respect To A Recreation Center, And Declaring An Emergency.

(first reading)


1.  Both these items are first readings. I believe many of the residents would believe these items should be given an opportunity for more public scrutiny.


1a.  Unless in your discussion on these items you show that there have been open meetings and mention within these general council meeting, I request the council place the readings of both measure on the agendas of subsequent council meetings. I also ask the council to actively request public comments.


2.  While reading Item H. I notice it contains 5 recitals or items that are stated as facts.


The first recitals states:  WHEREAS, The City desires to construct a new recreation center located just north of the existing YMCA facility along State Route 201, which amenity will feature an aquatic center and may include other recreational facilities (the “Recreation Center”);


It is the “just north of the existing YMCA” declaration that I am interested in learning how the Council came to this conclusion.


When I first saw the recreation center items on the agenda I thought that’s not a bad idea, but they picked about the worst place in the city to put it.


a. The north side of the city is already served by an indoor pool at the YMCA

b. Drive all similar recreation activities to one part of town it will cause traffic problems

The proposed location is the most desirable part of town so we will be competing with and denying private development


Other possible better locations include Thomas Cloud or one of the declining business centers or strip malls.


Thomas Cloud – Area around the tennis courts / BB courts.  Away from the high volume area of the soccer fields, could incorporate indoor BB courts and tennis courts, makes sweeping the walking path more economical.


Strip Malls – Not a green area of the city, give businesses a reason to come to that area, generally clean up the area which will help improve the reputation of the city.


I ask that during your discussion of the issue you give details on how this determination was made.  I also ask that you give details on the depth of the discussion on other possible locations and the reasons why they were disqualified.


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